
The beast of cretacea by todd strasser
The beast of cretacea by todd strasser

the beast of cretacea by todd strasser

OL20014603W Page_number_confidence 93.64 Pages 442 Partner Innodata Pdf_module_version 0.0.17 Ppi 360 Rcs_key 24143 Republisher_date 20211204014805 Republisher_operator Republisher_time 598 Scandate 20211128060921 Scanner Scanningcenter cebu Scribe3_search_catalog isbn Scribe3_search_id 9780763669010 Tts_version 4.

the beast of cretacea by todd strasser

When seventeen-year-old Ishmael wakes up from stasis aboard the Pequod, he is amazed by how different this planet is from the dirty, dying, Shroud. Product details Publisher : Candlewick (Oct. Master storyteller Todd Strasser reimagines the classic tale of Moby Dick as set in the futureand takes readers on an epic sci-fi adventure. The saga begins with 17-year-old Ishmael setting off from a ravaged, dying Earth for life aboard a large fishing trawler on the planet Cretacea, hoping to send enough. Urn:lcp:beastofcretacea0000stra:lcpdf:20fa9ca3-e26f-43ea-9974-bacfb3e3a2f3 Todd Strasser is the internationally best-selling author of numerous books for children and teens, including and the classics The Wave and Give a Boy a Gun, which are taught in classrooms around the world. Equal parts Moby-Dick retelling, environmental cautionary tale, and coming-of-age story, Strasser's (Fallout) fantastical SF epic blends disparate pieces into a harmonious whole.

the beast of cretacea by todd strasser

Moby Dick Bookplateleaf 0006 Boxid IA40299216 Camera Sony Alpha-A6300 (Control) Collection_set printdisabled External-identifier Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 22:24:25 Associated-names Melville, Herman, 1819-1891.

The beast of cretacea by todd strasser