It is original, refreshing – and very good reading.Scott Westerfeld PS : I almost forgot : the book doesn’t have any vampires in it – rarity in the modern teen fiction. With all this, it is incredible fun to read! However, at the same time it is engaging, very well written and resonates with many things that happen in modern teens’ life.

I liked the series, because it talks about very serious subjects (price of perfection, relations between individual and government/society, true identity of the person, love and friendship – to name just a few). This world is strange and frightening, but also cool at the same time it is future with mandatory cosmetic operations and endless parties, time where almost everybody can choose the way they want to look and even change it by will … And as always, there are people – teens – who try to fit, or rebel against the existing order, or… The world of “Uglies” is definitely dystopian, even though in a different way than the world of Ray Bradbury. Just be aware of mature themes and some frightening moments – think “Fahrenheit 451”. If I think back, only Harry Potter books in our house received the same unanimous positive feedback.Even though the “Uglies” series are targeted for teen audience, I would recommend these books for younger readers as well, especially if these readers are interested in Sci Fi books. The “Uglies” series is one of those rare cases when both I and my daughter (not yet 11) absolutely agree in our judgment of these books as absolutely brilliant – interesting, original and well written, as well as “mind-twisting”, in Westerfeld’s definition.