
Hhhh review
Hhhh review

Some of what made him tick was alluded to in the first part of the movie but because of the restrictions of the two-hour length and the decision to, effectively, make this two movies in one we don't really get many answers. But the real opportunity here was to really get under Heydrich's skin and find out what made him tick. And then there was a very good account of the process of the Wannsee Conference that was done for the telly (with Kenneth Branagh playing Heydrich this time) this show prompted me to visit Haus am Wannsee on my last visit to Berlin, which was a very moving experience for me. Operation Daybreak and Anthropoid are essentially the same movie, although Anthropoid's casting of Cillian Murphy was a mistake because he is so distractingly good looking (I'd shag him and I'm not even gay!) that you are sitting there thinking "This really hot guy is supposed to be on an undercover mission? Maybe in a Bond movie!" So we already know enough about the daring mission and the reprisals. However, this movie didn't really know what it wanted to be: a study of the motivations that made Reinhard Heydrich the monster he was? an account of the plotting and execution of his assassination? or his role in masterminding the Final Solution? It's a shame because the latter two things have already been well covered in movies and TV plays.

hhhh review hhhh review

I was looking forward to this movie, having already seen both Anthropoid and (a long time ago) Operation Daybreak and with the knowledge that a contemporary of mine from my old university college had co-written the script.

Hhhh review